A history of Districts and their boundaries in Area 38.

  • This timeline is based on all known source material available.
  • Many times the words "area" and "district" are used interchangeably in the source documents.
  • If you know of any other source material related to this timeline, please contact archivist@eamo.org

Source citations are indicated with each entry and links to scanned source material are found at the foot of this page.

Our story begins in 1951, scroll chronologically or click on  the year that interests you.

1951, 1959, 1962, 196X, 1969, 1972-1977, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1975, 1977, 1978, 1979, 1980, 1983, 1985-1987, 1987, 1989

1951: 7 Districts

June 10, 1951
ln the first set of minutes on record, mention was made that the 7 Committeemen were present.1

1959: 9 Districts

June 28, 1959
Eastern Area is to be divided into 9 areas1

June 28, 1959
Eastern Missouri was divided into 9 areas with an Acting Chairman for each area.2

1962: 9 Districts

August 12, 1962
It was agreed that the St. Louis area would furnish 2 representatives, one from the City of St. Louis and one from St. Louis County. At this time, there were still 9 districts in the Eastern Area.2

October 7, 1962
2 new Committeeman were welcomed, making a total of 9 Committeeman. (First time St. Louis had representation at the Eastern Mo. Assembly).1

196X: 9 Districts

In Oct. 196X, nine districts in the Eastern Missouri Area were established.3

1969: 14-15 Districts

January 9, 1969 (this could be January 19, see next entry)
St. Louis County was given 2 additional Committeemen (making a total of 3) and St. Louis City was given an additional Committeeman (making a total of 2). It was also a.greed that districts in the Eastern Missouri area be defined the same as the various county lines. A list of districts and their boundaries were presented, totaling 14.2

January 19, 1969 (this could be January 9, see previous entry)
Proposal made that area 14 be districted according to county lines. Assembly voted in favor of this proposal.1

January XX, 1969
Districts 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14 were established. At that time, District #13 encompassed the counties Marion, Ralls, Pike, Lewis and the east half of Shelby.3

March 30, 1969
Another district, making a total of 15, was added to the Eastern Missouri Area.2

March 30, 1969
It was announced that another district, District 15, had been formed. From October 12, 1969 to March 26, 1972, there were reports from only 14 districts at the assembly meetings. No mention was made during this time of District 15.1

March XX, 1969
A new district, District 15, was formed consisting of the counties of Randolph, Monroe, the west half of Shelby, Macon, Knox, Adair, the east one-fourth of Putnam, Schuyler, Scotland and Clark.3

1972-1977: Confusion Over Districts

Read about it here.

1972: 15 Districts

March 26, 1972
The Chairman distributed maps outlining 15 districts of the Eastern Mo. Area. At this time, the Chairman commented that he was of the opinion that there were only 14, but the map indicated otherwise.1

March XX, 1972
The following is recorded in the minutes: “Paul C., Chairman, distributed maps which outlined the 15 districts of the Eastern Missouri half of Missouri. He stated that he always thought there were 14 districts but the map showed otherwise.” A later excerpt from the same minutes: “Jim R., Committeeman from the 13th district and who is in the 15th district of the Eastern Missouri Area and Jim T., Committeeman for the 15th district and who is in the 12th district, agreed to exchange districts.”3

1973: 14 Districts

January 21, 1973
Discussion was held on the matter of redistricting District #12 and #13, thus eliminating District #15 entirely.1

January 21, 1973
Districts 12 and 13 were redistricted which resulted in the elimination of District 15.2

April 8, 1973
Attention was brought to the fact that 5 counties—Wright, Texas, Douglas, Ozark and Howell were not presently assigned to a district. (map)
Motion carried that Howell and Ozark go to District 8 and Texas, Wright and Douglas go to District 9.1

1974: 14 Districts

January 27, 1974
It was moved to move Warren County from District 12 to District 14.1

1975: 14 Districts

January 18, 1975
Monteau County was moved to the Eastern Missouri Area. Wright, Douglas and Ozark Counties were moved to the Western Missouri Area. There is no indication these moves changed the number of Districts.1

1977: 15 Districts

January 15, 1977
Clark, Lewis, Shelby, Marion, Monroe and Ralls Counties remain in District 13 while Schuyler, Adair, Knox, Scotland and Macon Counties form a new District 15.1

1978: 16 Districts

April 8, 1978
Gasconade and Franklin Counties in District 11 and Warren County in District 12 form a new District 16.1  (map)

1979: 17 Districts

June 23, 1979
Jefferson County leaves District 6 form a new District 17.1

1980: 18 Districts

October XX, 1980
Map from 1978 (revised 10/80) shows split in District 8 forming a new District 18. (map)

1983: 18 Districts

October 22, 1983
Ripley County is moved from District 18 to District 8.4

1985-1987: Redistrict and expand Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5

June 15, 1985
It was thought that all districts in the Metropolitan St. Louis Area had too many groups for one District Committee Member (DCM) to effectively service. The district census showed that certain districts had more than seventy (70) groups, but no district had less than fifty (50) groups. The Alternate Delegate at that time recommended and Area Committee be formed to resolve this problem.

Here is a link to a compilation of all known information documenting the process which spans 1985-1987.

1987: 20 Districts

January 17, 1987
District Reports at the Assembly include reports from the newly formed Districts 51, 52 and 53, bringing to an end a lengthy process of redistricting started in 1985.5

1989: 20 Districts

August 27, 1989
Citing group affiliations Districts 3 and 4 adjust their shared boundary.6

We have more district history to add—all the way to present day—please check back!

Links to scanned reference documents:

File names are based on dates noted on each scanned document when available (YYYY MM DD).

4. red link 1983 10 22